Choose portable solar panels or fixed installation?

placas solares portatiles

Most of the customers who are starting out in the world of portable solar panels do so full of doubts and questions. And it is that, normally, making this decision involves a significant investment which, as is normal, should be reflected upon. For this reason, we like to create this type of article that can answer the most frequently asked questions and in this case, we want to explain what they are and when to choose portable or fixed installation solar panels.

And it is that despite the fact that they seem to be similar alternatives, the truth is that each format has very specific characteristics that are designed for also very special needs. So we will begin to learn about these characteristics among which you can search for the ones that best suit your case and thus choose the most appropriate alternative.

Considerations prior to choosing the format

There are three generic considerations that you should take into account before making any decision. And it is that these will completely condition the direction that your decision to purchase your next solar panels (portable or rigid) takes:

  • Establish what your main goal is

The first thing you should think about is why and for what do you want to have portable or fixed solar panels: to have a reserve in case of blackouts, to have a portable solar panel for camping, to save on your electricity bill, etc. In the event that you have a thousand and one ideas with solar panels, you should do a little reflection exercise and organize those objectives that are a priority for you. It is important that you know the basic needs that you do or do want the solar panels to cover in order to get the product right. In addition, being clear about what you want to achieve, you can also direct your search.

  • Set a budget tranche

Another important detail to take into account is knowing how much money you want to invest. This aspect can really condition your purchase since, currently, pwe can find a wide variety of options, from mini solar panels to carry around that are around 20 - 30 euros, up to portable solar panel with plug to have at home as backup in case of blackouts which can cost of 1. 000 euros onwards. As you can see, the alternatives are very wide, so it is important that you be clear what your investment section is. Keep in mind that the more power and energy you need, the bigger the solar panels will have to be and the size is directly related to the price.

  • The space that you are going to allocate to the panels

Finally, you cannot start looking for portable or fixed solar panels without knowing what space you will allocate to install them. As you will see later, this aspect will also have great relevance in the final choice and, especially, it is important in the subject at hand. So you will have to observe and analyze the environment you have and choose a place that receives as many hours of sun as possible and, if possible, a large and accessible place. For example, if you live in the city and have little space, you can think about using your balcony, windows, or even an entire room that gets sun and can be screened.

placas solares instalación fija

How to choose between portable or fixed solar panels

A simple way to choose well is to know the advantages and disadvantages of each format and, as you will see, each one has a lot to do with that main objective that you have proposed, the budget and the space. Let's see it:

Advantages of portable solar panels

  • Portability and versatility: One of the main characteristics of the portable format is that they weigh between 4 and 14 kilograms. That is, they are perfectly transportable from one place to another. In addition, another feature is that the solar panels can be folded so that the volume is adequate enough to be loaded in a backpack or in a car. Therefore, the first advantage that we highlight is the portability and versatility with which the user can use the product.
  • Easy installation and disassembly: Related to the previous point, we come to the next advantage and that is that portable solar panels are very easy to install and disassemble. In fact, some boards do not even require installation as such. For example, lthe BLUETTI portable solar panels come folded like a briefcase (with a handle to carry included) and do not require installation since to use them you only need to unfold them and plug them into the power station to start collecting photovoltaic energy.
  • Lower initial cost: As we said at the beginning, the size of the solar panels is directly related to the price. That is, a larger product will mean a higher cost. In this case, portable solar panels are smaller than fixed solar panels, so they are the cheapest alternative.
  • Disadvantages of portable solar panels

    • Lower power production capacity:
    As you can deduce, another variable that is directly related to the size of portable solar panels is the energy capacity that they can produce. In this case, you must be clear about that objective that we were talking about at the beginning because if, for example, your objective is to have electricity and an energy reserve to go on a route by car or motorhome, to charge a small device or even to connect a household appliance; Yes, you can opt for portable solar panels. On the other hand, if your goal is to have an electrical security system at home to power your home in case of blackouts or you want to power an entire mountain house, you will need to think about fixed solar panels.

  • They depend on the sun and cannot store energy for a night one: Portable solar panels have less power, meaning that the functions they perform are the most basic of a solar panel: generating energy from sunlight that receives. This comes into confrontation with the most modern solar panels that have advanced energy storage systems that allow the panel to be used even at night. This characteristic, although we have marked it as a disadvantage, is actually solved by having a power station or a battery where to store the electricity that the solar panel receives throughout the day.
  • bluetti placas solares portátiles

    Advantages of fixed solar panels

  • Greater power production capacity: Fixed solar panels are usually larger and more rigid than portable ones. This gives them a greater capacity for energy production. That is, during the same hours of operation, a fixed solar panel could power more electrical devices than a portable one. Therefore, as we said before, if your main objective has a high energy demand, it is most likely that you will have to opt for a fixed one.
  • Increase in property value: Another very interesting advantage of installing fixed solar panels is that it increases the value of the property. For example, a flat that is located in a building with fixed solar panels is much more valued than a regular apartment. The same happens when it comes to houses or land, and it is that a good installation of solar panels means that the next owner will be able to obtain free energy for many years.
  • Disadvantages of fixed solar panels

  • Higher initial cost: One of the main disadvantages of fixed solar panels is that the initial investment is very high since, unlike portable solar panels, these involve the intervention of professionals who help us put them up and running. point to be able to use them.
  • Requires professional installation: The cost of the fixed solar panel itself is higher, but we will also have to add the labor cost of an operator to carry out the installation. And it is that a solar panel needs connections and other special devices that allow us to store and manage the energy that the solar panels receive.
  • Greater volume and weight: Unlike portable boards, these tend to have a fairly high volume and weight. For that reason, it is also essential that a professional handle the plates. This weight and volume condition another variable that is the space in which you plan to install them. Therefore, if you have a small space such as a balcony or a van, you will not be able to opt for this rigid alternative.
  • instalación placas solares

    An advantage that will always be present: commitment to the environment

    Whether you choose a portable or rigid solar panel, you will get the advantage of doing your bit with the environment. And it is that the use of renewable energy is the order of the day due to a great global exposure of the devastating effects that the consumption of fossil waste is causing to the planet. More and more people are trying to make their day to day a little more sustainable, more ecological and less polluting. This community ideology that unites many of us will be what can change the course of our history.

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