How to maintain solar panels

mantenimiento placas solares

In this article we would like to address everything related to solar panel maintenance so that you know why it is important, how you should do it and the risks that exist. And it is that carrying out solar panel maintenance is the only way to achieve good performance from these in the medium and long term. The truth is that many users, once the installation of solar panels is finished, do not consider the importance of having regular inspection and cleaning sessions. Therefore, in this article we would like to give you the keys to keep your panels in good condition.

In advance, we would like to clarify that we are not talking about hard, expensive or complex work. In fact, solar panel maintenance itself should not take up too much space and/or time. And it is that solar panels do not require it. Since, thanks to their operation and design, they are devices with a great resistance and easy to clean.

Why would I have to worry about solar panel maintenance?

You should keep in mind that when they install solar panels, depending on which one you choose, they usually have an efficiency of between 20% or 24%. This percentage of efficiency, as you can see, is not 100% even when recently purchased. In fact, this percentage, disadvantageous from the beginning, is obtained only in perfect conditions.

Therefore, our mission should be not to reduce this percentage of efficiency and, at least, to keep it as high as possible. And it is estimated that a dirty solar panel could reduce its efficiency by up to 8%.

Therefore, by maintaining recurring cleaning and performing visual monitoring of the main security elements, we will be able to maintain a good level of efficiency and extend the useful life of the solar panels to the maximum.

placas solares

When to maintain solar panels

As we said, solar panels are very resistant elements, so it would only be necessary to do maintenance once a year. Although the ideal would be to check and clean them at the end of each season in case the change in temperature and environmental conditions have affected the solar panels in any way.

However, you must be clear that the frequency with which you do maintenance will be determined by the characteristics of the environment. Below we give you some examples of situations in which increases the revisions to maintain good efficiency in solar panels:

  • If you have not checked and/or cleaned solar panels for more than two years.
  • If you notice that the performance of the panels is declining.
  • If you live in a city with poor air quality (pollution).
  • If you live in an area where there are storms of sand, dust, pollen or dirt.
  • If you live in an area with a lot of wind
  • If you live in an area with a lot of birds.

In short, if there are one or more external agents in your environment that can hinder the optimal functioning of the solar panels, you should choose to clean them often.

Clean solar panels correctly

You must bear in mind that solar panels are designed to be cleaned with rainwater. Therefore, to clean solar panels we will only need warm water and a cloth or sponge.

Currently we can find an endless number of specialized products on the market that will help us reach and clean easily, such as adjustable broomsticks or prepared sprays. Which, of course, are an alternative if you want to make sure the cleaning is done thoroughly.

But in general, to clean solar panels, you are going to need very basic tools and take into account certain points that are crucial to the clean time:

  • Do not use spatulas or sponges that may scratch the surface of the solar panel.
  • Do not use chemicals that are not strictly intended for cleaning solar panels.
  • Do not clean between eleven in the morning and six in the evening. This way you will avoid temperature contrasts and the plate from breaking. This should be taken into account especially in summer, which is when the solar panel can heat up the most.
  • Always opt for cotton or microfiber cloths.

limpiar placa solar

What to do when we want to repair solar panels?

Solar panel maintenance and cleaning should not be a complex task. However, there are times when a simple action such as checking and cleaning solar panels can carry risks that could be dangerous.

Therefore, sometimes the best thing you can do is hire professionals who can help you in this mission when:

  • You have installed solar panels in an inaccessible or dangerous place.
  • You suspect that your solar panels have a fault and you need to repair solar panels.

In these cases, it is interesting that you consider including the solar panels in some type of insurance with which you can deal with situations like these in which you need professional help.

What is the duration of solar panels?

When we talk about performing recurring maintenance, it is because solar panels are very useful tools that can have a useful life of 25 or 30 years. Therefore, the duration of solar panels is really long.

In the modern era of planned obsolescence, having something that will last for so many years may seem impossible to us. However, solar panels are prepared to withstand the weather and continue to function after several decades.

However, for these to last longer and better, we have to provide them with proper maintenance. Just as it was done with the old electrical appliances that were passed on to the following generations due to the good care that was given to them.

reparar panel solar

How to make storage of portable solar panels of BLUETTI

Finally, we would like to comment that, in case you have BLUETTI portable solar panels, you will have to take care, in addition to cleaning and maintenance, of the correct way to store solar panels, since storage of solar panels is essential to prolong its use. They should be in a place where they don't experience sudden changes in temperature and stay cool. In addition, they should be stored in a flat place and covered with any dust or dirt particles that could damage the cables.

bluetti paneles solares portatiles

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