Solar panels today are incredibly advanced and allow us to harness solar energy effectively and without generating pollution. Now, there are two different types of solar panels: thermal solar panels and photovoltaic solar panels, as a solution to enjoy this renewable energy, but do you know their differences?
Although both are solar panels, and use solar energy for their operation, they have different objectives, and in this post we are going to tell you what makes them different and what advantages each one has, so that you know distinguish them and properly choose the solar panel you need.
What are solar thermal panels?
Let's start by looking at what solar thermal panels really are. In this case, it is about those collector or collector solar panels (they are also called that), which are used to obtain solar thermal energy through the solar energy they receive. How do they get it? Heating the heat carrier, that is, water or alcohol (depending on the solar panel) that runs through the ducts of the solar panel. When the sun's rays hit these pipes, the liquid heats up and transmits the heat to the tank, which will be used for heating or hot water in the home.
And what about photovoltaic solar panels?
Regarding photovoltaic solar panels, it is worth mentioning that these solar panels are used to generate photovoltaic solar energy from the solar radiation they absorb. In this way, through the conductive materials that make up each of the cells or solar modules of these panels, energy is obtained and converted into electricity.
In addition, depending on the type of installation, we can find photovoltaic solar panels connected to the electrical network or instead, isolated photovoltaic solar panels that do not depend on being connected to the electrical network and that use a battery to store and take advantage of all the solar energy they receive. In this last type we find, for example, the different models of portable solar panel BLUETTI, with which you can have unlimited energy anywhere and anytime.
What is the difference between thermal and photovoltaic solar panels?
Although thermal solar panels and photovoltaic solar panels have certain similarities, such as their arrangement on the roofs of homes or on supports for solar panels or the use of solar energy to carry out their functions, they are not the same.
The main difference between thermal solar panels and photovoltaic solar panels lies in what they use the solar energy they absorb for (and obviously, in their operation). Thus, while thermal solar panels use it to convert it into heat or thermal solar energy, photovoltaic panels do it to convert it into electricity or photovoltaic solar energy.
The useful life is another of the most notable differences that exist between both types of solar panels. And it is that, while thermal solar panels usually last approximately 10 years, photovoltaic solar panels usually reach 30 years in many cases.
In addition, as can be deduced, the technology used by both types of panels also differs from each other (thermal solar panels being more advanced), in the same way that the materials with which they are manufactured change. Thermal solar panels are made of tempered glass, for better solar capture from the greenhouse effect favored by this material, while photovoltaic solar panels are made of silicon, a material characterized by its excellent conductive quality.
Which is better solar thermal energy or photovoltaic solar energy?
If you are undecided between buying thermal solar panels or photovoltaic solar panels, the essential thing is that you be clear about what you want the solar panel for, do you want it to generate thermal solar energy, or to generate photovoltaic solar energy? Thus, if what you are looking for is a solar panel with which to make the most of solar energy, which is easy to install and requires as little maintenance as possible, solar thermal panels are ideal. With these, you will take advantage of up to 70% of the sun's rays that fall on them and they have a very simple technology with which you will not have to go crazy to install or maintain them. On the other hand, if you are looking for a solar panel with which to generate electricity to power your household appliances and electronic devices, or that are versatile and can also provide you with hot water, you need photovoltaic solar panels. With them, you will also achieve significant savings on your energy bill. If you are looking for a solar panel with which to make the most of solar energy, one of the best options is without a doubt, a portable solar panel BLUETTI, and we'll tell you why! With these solar panels you can convert sunlight into electricity and store it in a battery or BLUETTI portable power station, with which you will have an economic solution to be able to enjoy unlimited energy that is also sustainable and respectful of the environment. In addition, these solar panels are easy to assemble and have a compact design (which makes it easy for you to store and transport them with total ease and comfort) and are resistant and durable, thanks to the technology and materials with which they are used. that have been manufactured. But you know what's the best of all? That the cells of the BLUETTI solar panels are made of monocrystalline silicon, which guarantees a conversion efficiency of up to 23.4%, and its performance continues even on cloudy days! Now that you know what solar thermal panels and photovoltaic solar panels are, you can choose the solar panel that best suits your needs. Why choose a BLUETTI portable solar panel?